
Greg Hurd
Greg is the Director of Career Development and Outreach at Bancroft, and . He coordinates career planning for students and alumni, the Internship program, and school outreach events; edits the school newsletter; and organizes the school library. Greg also supervises in the Bancroft Community Wellness Clinic, teaches several of the Business Practices classes, and has assisted in teaching Regional Massage Applications II and III.

Greg graduated from BSMT in 1984. He is a certified Neuromuscular therapist, a Reiki II Practitioner and has a Masters Degree in Expressive Therapy from Lesley College. Greg's massage therapy experience includes being the Health & Recreation director at a retirement community, working at the Bancroft Health Center, other massage therapy centers and private practice. He had been on staff at BSMT from 1985 - 1989 and, among other duties, developed the Internship program and taught Massage Techniques.

Ana Flor C. Ano-os 
As Director of Financial Aid, Ana Flor counsels potential and current students on financial aid, tracks student tuition payments and processes student financial aid forms in accordance with the Department of Education regulations.

Ana Flor holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting degree from the Western Leyte College located in the Philippines. Her goal at Bancroft is to provide students, current and potential, with the information they need to make appropriate choices in how they can affordably pay for a Bancroft education.